Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Last Silicon Valley blogger blogs at last

Now that I've started blogging, there are only 42 people left in Silicon Valley who don't have a blog.  And they were all born last night.

Yup, every 6th grader at my kid's middle school has a blog.  I hope to have fewer misspellings in mine, though.

The point of my blog is to ...oh, come on. There is no lofty reason for blogging. It's just a narcissistic notion that people will flock to my blog because of all the bloggers, I'm the one that stands out.  I've got such pithy thoughts and humorous musings, I'll go viral by Thursday.

Tonight's topic: My book club.  I joined one recently that has very lax rules. Reading the book, for example, is optional. If you prefer, you can watch the movie.  Luckily,  we don't have any members who actually like to prepare.  Except food. Many members like to prepare very good food.

We meet once a month on the third Monday, except when it turns out to be a holiday, or an evening when college-age children are visiting, or middle school children have an extra dance rehearsal, or it's summer.  In those cases, we send each other emails to determine an alternate date that works well for everyone.  In December, we brought down three ISPs with the traffic we generated. We did reach a resolution, however, so it was worth it. We postponed our meeting until January.

We're a group of women about my age, which is greater than 30 and less than 60.  My age has quite a range, apparently. We spend a certain amount of time each meeting discussing the book, and a certain amount of time discussing everything else. Usually everything else wins by a ratio of about 10 to 1. Maybe 20 to 1 if wine is served. 30 to 1 if wine is served and somebody's child just got accepted to college.

I usually do read the book, unless it really stinks. This month, I haven't read it. Every time I was at the library, I forgot to get it, and then this past weekend at the library I remembered to get it, but forgot what the book was I was supposed to get. I suppose this is why only women my age are allowed in this book club.

I have read several books, however, that I would not have otherwise read. I have met and enjoyed evenings with several women that I would not otherwise have met.  I have written a blog that I would not otherwise have written.

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